- Drive carefully on country roads and do not park vehicles so that they obstruct gateways or cause a hazard on the road or access way.
- Never light fires; including barbeques.
- Do not Interfere with livestock, crops, machinery or other property.
- Always use gates, stiles or other recognised access points and avoid damage to fences.
- Always fish in an ethical manner.
- Never push in on a pool occupied by another angler. If you are in any doubt ask those already there whether it is okay to join them.
- Always enter a pool behind the direction being fished by any angler already there.
- Move upstream or downstream with every few casts (unless you are alone).
- Avoid unnecessary wading or any avoidable disturbance to the water.
- Fish to be returned should be handled as little as possible and placed gently back in the water. Return the fish facing upstream until it swims away.
- Fish to be retained should be quickly and efficiently dispatched, with a single accurate blow to the back of the head using a suitable priest.
- Always respect the environment, wildlife, other anglers and members of the public.
- Remove waste nylon and personal litter from the river banks and parking places.
- Leave everything as you found it. If a gate is open or closed leave it that way.
- Report any damage incurred or dangerous conditions such as damaged stiles to the secretary.
- The only way we can protect our rivers in the long term is to CHECK, CLEAN and DRY all your gear before entering another river or lake anywhere.
- Always show consideration for other anglers at the waterside. Respect their right to enjoy the peace and quiet of the fishery. Remember to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself!